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Search function does not work?

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the search function here sucks, plain and simple. however, as Mr. Tris said, google is your friend. if you want to search this site, go to google and type this in first "site:legacygt.com" (without the quotations) then your keywords. it will give actual results.


so for example, if you want to look for boost gauge install, you would type into google "site:legacygt.com boost gauge install"

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Thank you for explaining that. I learned something new, I didn't know I could do a Google search with a website first to get just site results. Thanks I appreciate your helpful answer.


glad to help. Mrtris may seem like an annoying troll at first, but he is one of the most knowledgeable people on the forum and will have valuable input on most problems. you just need to warm up to him first a bit

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