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Wavyness/distortion in windshield


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After I picked up my car today the first thing I noticed, and I did not notice this on the thest drive since the car was dirty, is that there was a spot right in front of the driver that was wavy and it distorts the view out the windshhield.


The area is probably 5 inches square dead center in the driver's line of sight. I immediately went back to the dealership and at first they said it was wax, but after they tried to clean it they came to the conclusion that the film in the windshield must be distorted somehow. To make a long story short I went to the service department and they are ordering a new windshield for me, should be in hopefully in a few days. My question is should I be on the lookout for anything when they replace the windshield? I guess this will be the first unscheduled trip to the dealership, but they will have a loaner for me. Also has anyone else experienced this?





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I have noticed some waviness. I don't have anything in direct view as you do, but when I look sideways towards the passenger side, it become apparent, especially when turning a corner and having a lot of outside scenery slide by. I haven't noticed this in any other car I've driven -- but I have heard of it in other cars.


The distortion is within my personal limits -- so far. My guess is that it's caused by the layer of safety-glass plastic inside the windshield and whatever bonding agent they use.

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Ha, you guys are funny! Since I brought it up with the dealership right away they are replacing the windshield under warranty. If it was not in direct sight of the driver it would not bother me, but it is, and it is very distracting. Is like those carnival mirrors where it distorts the way you look.



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I noticed for the first time looking down from the top of the windshield on the outside that I have a bunch of small

wavy bubble like sections in my windshield too.


Small enough you can't see them from the inside, but they are there.. looks like it's from something they stick between the layers of glass.. probably the stuff they put in it to keep the windshield from shattering.


I have an 03 too.. ;)

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Oh crazy that so many people have a spot. Who is making their windshields? Carlex? If so they are of poor quality. We'll see how the new one looks, I am getting used to the spot, but it deters from my ability to see regardless.



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