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Cleaning Seats

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Anyone have any suggestions on cleaning seats? Mine are in relatively good shape but I know with 177K miles on the clock they've likely absorbed their share of dirt and grime over the years. I'm seeking a simple, low cost way to clean the seats. Anyone have any suggestions? Ideally the same solution will also work on the floor carpet (again not in too bad of shape but I suspect they could use a good cleaning too).
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the rear bottom seat of my 95 lego sedan was so dirty,

it must have had about 2 gals. of cola poured into it.

i removed it and sprayed it with the hose.

i wanted to spray it until the water ran clear, but i got tired .

it did however improve it's condition.


the rear bottoms on the 95 - 99 sedans (and maybe the seat backs) are one large piece of foam with fabric over it.

almost like a sponge .


i'm not sure i would take the same approach with the front seats or wagon rear seats.

but if they are really bad why not.

you just have to let them dry completely before you re-install them.

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i had my seats out of the car a couple weeks ago and they looked like they'd be pretty easy to pull off. my experience with that was with a set of seats for a camaro, which looked like they went on about the same way.
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