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08 Grill Removal

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Today I was going to take my grill off of my 08 spec b to dip it black. I got almost done taking it off and I got 4/6 of those pita screws out. The only two left are the two at the top of the grill. I searched around alittle and couldn't find an exact answer on the easiest way to get these out without taking the bumper off. Any help would be great. They are just in such an awkward spot. I can feel them but cant get the screwdriver in there.
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From the grillcraft link looks to be the same process as the 07. Just a couple plastic popits and a couple screws all easily accessible from the top. Then undo the clips. You must be trying to get to something unrelated.


The 08/09 is the same but it also has 6 screws that hold the grill in place also. 2 on each side. I got the 2 in the middle and the bottom one in each side. The only thing preventing me from removing it now is the top 1 on each side. I just can't figure out how people got these last 2 screws out without taking the bumper off

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