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Legacy GT to Wrx interior swap

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From the picture, it looks like seats won't save you ("save your ass" seems appropos, no?) from yourself.


Step 1: Pull up your pants.

Step 2: No, seriously, pull up your f*cking pants. Unless you're like 5-foot-nuthin' , there's no way your ass is that far forward in the seat, let alone the back of your belt, which leads me to -

Step 3: Throw away your studded belts.


Problem solved.


Keep the seat as a reminder of your abhorrent fashion choices.


That said, Subarus are like Legos: Everything fits. Mostly.


You can swap in WRX seats, if you'd really like. They won't match and it'll look funny, but, since it would appear that you're one of those guys who wears their pants under their ass and balls, I guess you're not too concerned with that, are you?


Depending on the model year seats you swap in, you may lose some (or all) of the power functionality, including the buttwarmer. Other than that, physically, it's a straightforward swap.

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MrTris thank you for the info about swapping seats

The belt lines are not my doing they are from the previous owner

I dont wear my pants below my balls I just hate seeing the belt marks on the seat


or is there a way to clean the marks off the seat?

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