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2007 outback stuck shifter & access

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I have a 2007 Outback that I now have to use the emergency access hole to operate the automatic shifter. I would like to view and clean the area under and around the shifter legend plate but I first need to remove the console chrome ring around the shifter plate (P,R,N,D).

I have stop lights so the fuse would be OK. When I slide the handle from park to the right I hear the relay clicking. When I apply the brake pedal to go from Park into drive I do not hear a relay clicking.

Could it be a brake pedal relay or something broken at the shifter?

I do need to know how to remove the chrome ring without breaking it.

Thank You

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The chrome ring is removed by simply pulling it straight up. Use a trim tool or other plastic pry tool to work it up around the edge.


It sounds like the park position switch isn't working. Not sure how you would diagnose it though.

I like to cook my pets and my family.


Use commas. Don't be a psycho.

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