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"96 Outback Wagon Problems, Fixes and Suggestions

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Here is the picture and update thread,http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/96-legoback-wagon-2-2-5mt-liftaru-221397.html , this post is more for tech and help and suggestions as title says.http://i415.photobucket.com/albums/pp237/Zeekery2233/Mobile%20Uploads/20140126_120315.jpg


My current biggest problem, among many, is that my car doesn't like reverse ever since I got it stuck in a bank and was rocking the car out of the snow. "I have a '96 legoback 2.2 5mt wagon and it wont stay in reverse, the shifter either pops a little forward or a little back when I start to move in reverse,makes a little pop noise and sounds like it spins the input shaft and its really hard to get it back to neutral if the shifter slips back. Sometimes trying to get it back into neutral after it slipping backwards a little bit will land it in forth. If I really troop it and hold it perfectly still and be very easy on the clutch and gas I can get it moving backwards but its hard. Getting it to shift to first from dead stop and 3rd and 4th are hard to find while driving. While I'm driving along i hear like a tiny metal on metal dragging noise coming from the trans or shifter area unless I hold the shifter up a little from resting all the way on its own if that makes any sense.any ideas?" <-pulled that from a thread I started in transmissions to which no one replied too.


My current gameplan is to replace the trans mount and shifter bushings, possibly the motor mounts and pitch stop too( part#s or ebay links would be appreciated)


My other 2 constant bothers are that my speedo doesnt work and the rev limiter kicks in at 4200 half the time...any ideas? Help would be appreciated

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