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Detailing is bitter sweet....

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Last weekend in NY was perfect for detaling, cloudy and warm but no rain. And there is no rain all week!! My girl went away so i had some alone time with my mistress (LGT). I went out and bought $75 worth of detailing products after reading OCDetails write up. I decided i needed products now and couldn't wait for an online order so i went with the Mother 3 step system - pre-wax cleaner, sealer and glaze, and syntheytec wax.


I spend 2 days hitting every inch of the car and the results were sweet - now i know y they call it obsedian black - there are flakes in the paint!!!:rolleyes: Now i can feel better about leaving it in the sun all day.


NEway the reason i say bitter sweet is because as you clean and shine that beautiful pain you get to see all the little scuffs and nicks in the paint - nice rock in the front, little door ding in the pass side etc. OH well thats life i guess


Also debaged to back no need for the life story they put back there LOL


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Black is the worst too because when it gets all shined up it really brings out the imperfections. Black is a pretty unforgiving color and every dent and ding in the paint will show up when the paint is polished up nicely.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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^^ +1.


I think that Scooby has a particularly attractive black on the WRX and Leggy recently - and the wife and I both wanted that color for our rides. But alas, we both realized that it would just be too hard to take care of, especially here in NE-Ohio.

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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Guest *Jedimaster*

I still have a bottle of touchup from my 02 black WRX if anyone wants it for free. :dunno:


I really liked both the light and dark blues for 05- almost got those in lieu of black but changed to silver at the last minute-noticed my Dad's silver car never really looks that dirty.

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Guest *Jedimaster*
off topic, but jedimaster.. where do you find all these icons? haha.. they crack me up ..

You mean my avatars? I just finds them on the web and throw 'em in a folder for later use.

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I still have a bottle of touchup from my 02 black WRX if anyone wants it for free. :dunno:


I really liked both the light and dark blues for 05- almost got those in lieu of black but changed to silver at the last minute-noticed my Dad's silver car never really looks that dirty.


Jedi is it obsidian black? If so i would love to have my man.

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Guest *Jedimaster*
I think it's a different black- but I'm not sure- whatever they were using for black in 02- the black with blue sparkles in it.
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