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timing chain and oil loss?

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My wife has a 205 n.a. Legacy with 133,000 on it. It seems to be losing oil too fast (more of less all of a sudden -- i.e. almost NO oil use until recent weeks, and now fairly heavy loss). It dawned on me today when we had the timing chain changed at the recommended interval of 105,000 (it's not 90,000 as many seem to believe). The dealer surprised me by announcing that a visual inspection looked good and only the belt itself needed to be replaced. (Who ever heard of dealer not trying to gold-plate a repair job???). But now I'm wondering if that could have anything to do with the oil loss? Does anyone know if anything (e.g., leaking camshaft seals) could cause oil loss WITHOUT oil leaking to the outside of the motor NOR making smoke from the tailpipe? I know this can happen from a bad oil ring on a piston or a head gasket, but I'm not sure if you can have oil loss with these symptoms from a timing chain job? Thanks.
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Theres no seals that is messed with in a timing BELT job that would cause oil loss either internally or externally who changed you oil last i would make sure they topped it up dead on full make run about 600 miles and see were the mark is at for also make sure drain plug is tightened



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