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Dipped my 06 LGT fog bezels a la '08 style


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Tell me what you think. First time trying plastidip.http://s22.postimg.org/6xrjcpdz5/20131005_172118_Vinca_Ln.jpg



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Haha there's two vf-40's in the box and stock TMIC in the bag! Oh, and three tires, and a bunch of misc parts in the back.



Now I REALLY gotta get around to clearing/semi-blacking the headlights... My fogs look better than my projectors!!

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PS a good trick that I used when masking, to keep consistent on the "lip", stand in a place at an angle of a good strong light source, keep the angle of the bezels to the light consistent, and turn them as you tape, using the shadow on the bezel as a guide =]
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