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Maxed out Toe?


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I have been planning to post this for a while but I completely forgot. I hit a curb in the winter months (happens when you have too much fun in the snow). Basically, I cracked my wheel and I replaced all of them. I have had a slight droning noise ever since. I took the car to get an alignment. They said on that exact wheel that the toe could not be adjusted anymore and it is stuck at .14 degrees. With the total toe being at .22 (not good). He mentioned what I would need to get but I can not remember. What do I need to get to fix this issue? Obviously something is bent in the suspension somewhere. I assume this fix will also remove the noise.
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Is the concentric bolt frozen? If not, then either the frame or the rear arm is bent.


Rear arm is (I think) Rear link 20250AE080


You will need new bolts and bushing too.

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