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Fog Switch Pinout? (Legacy Outback)

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Anyone have a labelled pinout of the 2nd gen fog switch? I bought a second switch and I want to wire up some other lights with it, but I don't know what wires are for the switch and what wires go out.


I looked at the FSM on here and couldn't find anything. Maybe I'm blind, but I don't think there's a pinout on there.

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I didn't realize there was a relay before I tore into it, so I decided to wire my additional lights directly into the switch and not have the switch light up. Kinda sucks, but I burned the bulbs out by connecting a 12v+ to them, so it doesn't matter too much. lol


There were 5 wires coming from my switch, so these 6 wire pinouts aren't very helpful. I found that the black wire and one of the yellow wires are what connect when the switch is pressed. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter which way the current goes since it's a contact switch, but I could be mistaken. From what I understand, you'd be better off getting another relay just like the fog light relay and wiring it up exactly like the fog light circuit is wired. Then the fogs and your other lights would be independent with the two separate circuits.


Alternatively, if you don't mind your fogs and your accessory lights coming on at the same time, you could just find the relay and wire your new lights into that. This would negate the need for another switch though.

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