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Weird ticking sound at very low rpm

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So this is only my second Subaru and I had an 02 wrx before this. I'm not sure if its maybe just a Subaru thing or if its just a big coincidence. Both cars had/have catless exhaust, the wrx was about 120,000 miles and my legacy has about 95,000. So under a light load and only when I'm just starting from a red light or at a low rpm (> 1000rpm) there is a slight small tick coming from the engine. At first I thought it was my cat coming loose in my wrx because I had a stage 2 tune but now that I got my legacy it has a catles uppipe and makes the same sound. Is this coincidence of maybe the same problem or do all Subarus make this sound. The only other thing I think it might be is maybe valve noise but I'm not positive. Any help or ideas are appreciated!
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