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Posts posted by RaGe

  1. I went to the Central Ohio Subarus website and registered. To make a long story short we have a meet planned for MAY 27th at my house. IF any of you would like to attend please feel free to pm me for directions. We planned on throwing some cow on the grill and maybe some fingers of death. Nice little social gathering takng some pictures of the cars and meeting some other people who have a passion for cars as much as i do. And TSI+WRX i would pesonally like to extend my hand in welcoming you to my house. It would not only be a privilege but an honor to meet you. Again anyone wishing to attend a meet at my house which is located in Greenfield Ohio please feel free to pm me for directions. Scheduled date is May 27th.
  2. i am not making a big deal about this really i am not. The biggest down fall that i have and being prior military and


    working in a prison. but when i posted here and a couple of you told me to post up in the LERSOC i took your advice and


    did it. and your right i did get warm welcomings. But the post by NorthCoastWRX and i qoute "Seems like most people on


    this forum are from the Greater Cleveland area, thus the name LAKE ERIE Subaru Owner's Club". left me to believe that he


    was being a smart ass. so i checked him on it. i told him and i quote "Oh and p.s i read the LAKE ERIE Subaru owners club


    title. but like i said above a couple of people told me to post up in this site that alot of you do meets. and thats all i was


    going for to see if anyone wanted to meet. but i appologise for posting in the LERSOC. but like i said if any of you are


    passing through just give me a yell. would be more than happy to meet some of you and share some car mods in person".


    at no time was i rude or disrespectful. i politly chekced him and told him i could read. and thats when he came back and

    lightweight said he was sorry. Now about what i said about tapp dancing as far as the LGT website. just so i am clarifing

    everything. to make a long story short, i posted about making new stickers. everyone voted no with the exception of a

    couple of people who futher elaborated on there intent. but for the most part the only response i got was we already have

    a sticker. my intent for that post was trying to get everyones opinion on it and get a little car club together because the

    lgt website does have alot of meets from what i have read. i was just trying to become a part of the family and contribute

    something becuase it seems alot of everyone on here has alot of advice to offer and i have never really owned cars

    before. so i was just trying to help out. Sometimes my termonology lacks and for that i sincerely appologise. but i am

    very forward and very opinionated. Like i said i am prior military and work in a prison. So i cant afford to blow smoke up

    peoples you know what. But on the real side of it, i was not upset angry and even trying to talk smack. and yes i noticed

    you replied to my response on the other site. your one that told me too. But for the record yes everyone was very

    respectful and polite. My intentions are high and mean no disrespect. i hope this clears things up.

  3. yeah i went to the LERSOC for the most part there are a few people there. but all in all i wasted my time, got my you know what tapped danced on and got accused of being illiterate. so i posted up in the central ohio subarus website and we are planning a meet right now. So if any of you are interested in this meet just pm me and as soon as i get the date i will let you all know. Again this is for central ohio, or anyone wishing/wanting to drive.
  4. i know where i am at here in chillicothe you dont see very many subarus at all. and if you do see one they are older couples. I dont have a turbo on my car but i am sure i could prob hang if you all decide to get together. Hell if you would like i can host something. We have 30+ acres and a nice little bon fire pit. Just moved up here in Greenfield, OH. Chillicothe is just about 20 minutes away. Not a very big place there in chillicothe, but its the principle. Maybe if you all agree to getting together and depending on the size, this site ought to think about a car club? Logo design and all for here in Ohio. I might post something into the site suggestion about this and depending on the respnses. I have a buddy that does graphic design and has all of the equipment to do vinyl designs. Nothing fancy just a plain white design with some writing. Well just give me your suggestions with and about this meet and maybe we can plan something for this spring or something like that.
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