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Everything posted by x_subie0_0guy_x

  1. Anyone know where I could possibly get or look for stuff like that for my 97 Legacy gt Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Anything I can do to get some more horsepower and torque? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I’m in Washington my number is (360) 551-5294 if you wanna send me a text to talk about it more thanks @%1; Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Do you guys know how to tell how an exhaust sounds when you’re looking for an exhaust system. Because I want one for my 97 Subaru Legacy but I want a loud but deep sound for it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Haven’t done anything yet just dropping a new motor in it. I bought it for pretty cheap has 2013 legacy wheels and 2005 wrx seats. Sent from x_subie0_0guy_x
  6. Comment below and share some pictures of your legacy’s Sent from x_subie0_0guy_x
  7. Here is a couple of pictures of what exactly I kinda wanna do it look pretty clean look for the Legacy Sent from x_subie0_0guy_x
  8. So I got a legacy about a year ago and I was wondering if anyone could possibly answer a question about the 97 legacy, so I wanna do dual exhaust and I’ve seen some people put a forth gen legacy bumper on it and it looked clean Sent from x_subie0_0guy_x
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