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Everything posted by milkatz

  1. Thanks, Famduke for your input. My tires are correctly inflated. I just drive more conservatively.
  2. Stuff thanks for your input. I do have the 18" tires. As I mentioned in other replies, I'll just be conscience of the low front end when driving.
  3. Danny, thanks for the info. I don't want want to sacrifice performance, so I think I'll just drive more carefully....i.e.:go up driveways slower, be care approaching a curb.
  4. Danny.... Thanks for the information regarding the lifters. Next time I go to the dealer for maintenance/inspection, I'll be sure to ask about them. If they have them and are not too expensive, I'll get them. I don't have the facilities or know-how to do it myself. Do you know if they affect the performance/safety of the car? JP..... I appreciate your comments. I have the limited edition. It is so low in the front that when I diagonal park against a curb, the front end scrapes along the curb. I'll follow Danny's suggestion and look into the lifters.
  5. Does anyone have a suggestion to keep the front end from scraping the ground on slight inclines if not driving slow enough? When entering a driveway that has a sudden steep upwards incline, unless I slow down, there is a good chance that the front end scrapes the ground. It also happens when doing the same thing in reverse. My previous car was higher at the front so I'm not used to this situation. It may just be something I'll have to get used to.
  6. I really enjoy driving this car (Legacy 2020). One thing that does bother me is that I find that the screen is too low on the dashboard, so it is very difficult to look at the map and the road at the same time. This is compensated by having the next navigation step being displayed on the smaller screen right behind the steering wheel (and you may need to set that up) but not being able to see a map while still focusing on the road is at best disconcerting, at worst dangerous.
  7. Mach V Dan, thanks for the heads up regarding the parking break and seatbelt. I always wear my seat belt, but just hypothetically, if someone is not wearing the seatbelt with the parking break on, will the car be able to move? And if it does, would it wear down the parking break? Or is there no such thing as wearing down the parking break anymore, and the car won't move based on the electrical system?
  8. I went to the dealer and it turns out it was my fault. I'm actually glad that it was, because it means my Legacy is working properly! I had the display setting for the brightness dial to be set to on. I had it set that way so that I could lower the brightness of the console at night by using the dial. So at night, I had the brightness dial set to as little light as possible and that in turn, turned off the steering wheel button lights, the glove compartment light and the lights on the side of the console. (I thought that I had tried increasing the brightness at night by using the dial but apparently I didn't). I've now turned the display setting for the brightness dial to be set to off. The console is supposed to dim at night automatically. It wasn't dimming enough for me so that's why I thought I would change the settings to use the dial. But now, if it is too bright, I'll lower it in the display settings instead of by using the dial. I'll use the dial only for the lights on the dashboard, steering wheel, etc.
  9. Rockier, I’m taking the car to the dealer tomorrow. I’ll update this board with the outcome.
  10. Rockier, thanks for your help. I have the display on and I can use the dimmer wheel to brighten and darken the console and dashboard so I’m pretty sure it’s set correctly. What doesn’t get lit up are the buttons on the steering wheel ... i.e., phone pick-up, cruise control buttons, etc., nor does the defrost buttons and heat control buttons on the side of the console light up. I’m in discussions with the dealer. I’ll post updates.
  11. Stuff: Thanks for the info. I will contact the dealer.
  12. Hi, I'm new to this forum and this is my first set of questions. I have a 2020 Limited Legacy with 11.5 inch console screen. First, is there a glove compartment box light? When I open the box, it is dark. Also, the buttons on the steering wheel don't appear to light up, so they're difficult to locate in the dark. I tried adjusting the brightness wheel to the left of the dashboard, but that didn't do anything. And finally, the defrost buttons and the temperature control buttons on the sides of the console do not light up, so they too are hard to find in the dark. I have to do it by 'touch'. Any suggestions will be appreciated. In the meantime, I'll trying finding the answer on this forum.
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