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Everything posted by GingiKahn

  1. ~$2k reason being I had a 20k budget for the car; buying a car with 360 on it would mean I go back to a 2016 model and miss out on a lot of safety features. The Legacy cost me 18k so that leaves 2k for mods.
  2. Hello, I've just purchased a 2018 Legacy and I am trying to find someone that has moded theirs with surround view cameras that show the sides, front and back instead of just the back. Has anyone ever seen this on a Legacy or offer some advice on what kits might have a good chance of working? I assume that I can retain the infotainment system for the most part and just replace/install the camera kit (once I even find that). Am I on a crazy quest or is this doable? Yours, NewbieNewbsAlot
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