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Everything posted by rogpatt

  1. Picture five years of a Leslie Nielsen-type driver putting cups of coffee, diet coke, shakes and what have you in the "cup holder", cursing as they inevitably and repeatedly fall over at the worse possible moment, spilling on to laps, pants, seat covers, car seats, passengers... Saying, "What a stupid design for a cup holder!" then forgetting until the next time. Meanwhile, every few months coming across this odd piece of plastic in the glove box...what could this possibly be?
  2. Thank you for your accurate answer (and for resisting the urge to comment further!).
  3. Hi, can anyone help identify this black plastic 'mystery object' found in the glove compartment of my 2010 Liberty 2.5i when I bought it in 2014? It is stamped: [subaru logo] SUBARU MADE IN JAPAN >ABS< PARTON CH -S22004750 AJ I've googled these but got no result (apart from a lot of pictures of Dolly Parton with one combination, though none of them particularly revealing). Thanks, Roger
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