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Posts posted by derache123

  1. Yes. Also being from California does too, but that’s another topic for another day.


    Would you please elaborate on this? I am curious what the reasoning is here. I wear a mask whenever I'm in public, now out of habit. I don't specifically put it on when I'm within 6 feet of someone and then take it off when I'm not, I just keep it on because it's easier this way. For short drives in my car, this applies as well. Why is this virtue signalling? What exactly am I doing that could negatively affect another person in any remote way?


    Also, I'm not from California so that's irrelevant. I'm Canadian and moved here in July for my job, so if you have something to say about Canadians I'm all ears.

  2. I don't get what the big deal is with masks. Is it really that difficult to wear one? In countries like Japan and South Korea, it is considered the norm and a courtesy to others to wear a face mask in public when you think you're sick, and it has been this way for decades. Why should people automatically be labelled "virtue signalling assholes" if for some god forsaken reason, they decide to wear a mask in their car or outdoors? Sometimes I wear my mask in my car for short drives because I'm too lazy to take it off and put it back on again. Does that make me a virtue signalling asshole?
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