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Everything posted by BonfaciosCuredMeats

  1. Hey guys. I've lurked on here for quite some time. Learned a ton and I owe lots to this community. My 35th Anni just spun a rod bearing and is knocking something fierce. I already looked into a new engine. With parts and labor it just doesn't make sense for me at the moment. But if someone else can use her organs that's my preference. She's been nothing but the best car. I know many others with these older ladies are probably going through the same problems I have recently as various components start to break down and you need to scavenge for parts. So I wanted to get a heat check on what to do now that life's probably run its course. Do people keep these around and part them out slowly (on ebay or CL)? Or just try to sell whole as a parts car? Just scrap? Or anywhere anyone can point me to. Appreciate yall.
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