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Posts posted by Mrstacy

  1. For those suggesting to use the pop-its to supplement the existing screws, what's the benefit of doing that over just using more screws in between the existing screw locations?


    Can someone provide a link on what a pop-it is? Getting no hits on a google search other than the firecracker things you throw at the ground. Hard to hold on a spoiler with those, right?

  2. I bought a CTS V wagon to replace my beloved LGT wagon. ...


    Anyone else had a similar experience and just .. came home to mama (Subaru)?


    I was thinking if only I could afford a V wagon, how great it'd be. Now, your statements have me scratching my head and i'm glad you shared your thoughts. What is expensive? the monthly note? fuel? insurance? all of the above?


    Your Subie was an EAT too? just like my old FXT. It was in an odd way more fun to drive than the LGT. I'm thinking the gearing is different - more low end acceleration. First gear in the LGT is useless really.

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