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Posts posted by Dre617

  1. Does this leak look like the power steering leak that is fixed by replacing the washer?




    In other news, I wacked my starter with a hammer and was able to finally move it out of my driveway. If I'm going to open the hood to replace the starter, I might as well pay attention to that power steering leak i've been ignoring...



    a good way to know how much you are leaking is to clean it all with brake cleaner, let it dry and after that you will be able to tell how excessive the leak is. Or just check your reservoir often and fill as needed.



    <img id="hzDownscaled" style="position: absolute; top: -10000px;"><img id="hzDownscaled" style="position: absolute; top: -10000px;">


    Speaking of that, since I installed the new rack, I've managed to get the steering wheel even less centered than before, and now I get a VDC light after some amount of time driving. Likely because the car's going straight but the wheel is quite a ways from center.



    lol I remember replacing steering racks on Toyota, screwing this up then got taught by one of the senior tech on how to best prep the rack so that never happens again.

  3. Installed burlwood J trim (thanks to aac0036 !). I think the color goes well with red leather.


    Bonus sanity mod/discovery: the annoying tinny rattling noise coming from the shifter were few pieces of loose change that made their way from coin/ash tray to linkage underneath :lol:


    Still not sure which one of these I'm most excited about!



    Man I would like to see that red leather situation up close, I almost said **** it and bought them red seats from that dude who was selling them in DC area a couple months ago and searching for door cards on car-parts.com or just going for the black on black but cant decide.

  4. Sent payment for a 2019 STi steering rack off of NASIOC. The order from the online Subaru dealer was "cancelled" after about a week of sitting at "order submitted." They haven't refunded the charge on my card, so if that doesn't happen by Monday, I'll be cancelling the charge with my CC company instead.


    Would have been a great day for some break-in driving :spin:



    Wait Solid, where are you in MA? also is the Steering rack going into your 07? lots of questions if so

  5. get your ass up to hill farmstead if you want amazing sours. trillium near you does decent ones most of the time too acidic. Their daily serving fruited sours are really good not a true sour but tasty

    I will look up farmstead, trillium is like 15 mins from me and every time I go they don't have sours, I will check what they have currently for sale I know sours end up being seasonal for some breweries.I know they mostly have soaks to go which I do not like .

  6. You guys are all talking about paint correction (which is awesome) and I'm sitting here not having washed my car in about 2 months. It gives me anxiety. I'm slowly getting to the point where the paint can't be corrected, just a redo.


    I'm not sure how valuable my tire thoughts will be. I'm sure that for spirited daily driving the step from Pilot Super Sports to AS4 won't be super noticeable. No doubt there would be a difference on the track. I'm mainly interested to see if the car moves around during trail braking or starts to understeer sooner coming out of a turn with too much power.



    I feel you, I got quoted like $3k to redo my whole car and fix a lot of things. I want it to be pretty again.

  7. Nah, I aint playing with a virus that doctors aint sure how it be affecting people. I also didnt grow up always being outside and doing outdoor things like my wife. I am chilling playing video games and procrastinating on homelab and car projects. She gets kinda cabin feverish.
  8. When I was a kid I wanted to work on cars, alas I was raised by "first in the family to finish school" parents. There was no way I wasn't going to end up in an office. About a year and half ago, I said "F it" and walked away. Enrolled in the local tech school in automotive mechanics. I'm older than most of my classmates parents, so being on this forum with its wide variety of age & experiences suits me fine.


    Being in tech school seems alot like high school chemistry....yer really going to let me play with fire and dangerous chemicals...mm'kay. The rest of my classmates have a much better attitude, thank goodness.





    I feel you, I finished my Associates in Computer Tech and ended up working retail for a long time. Said I needed a change, had 2 options in front of me go to Architect School or go to UTI to learn mechanics. I choose incorrectly lol, went to UTI ended up moving to suburb Chicago for a year for their Toyota program (also a mistake, should have done Arizona instead). Ended up working at Firestone for a bit, then got a job at Toyota. Learned I should just started at Toyota and not dont the UTI route, I wouldn't be stuck with the student loans still lol. Though if I done the Architect route, I would be making nice chunk of change just designing plans on CAD. Got plans to add a 2nd floor to my crib but just blueprints and engineer stamps can easily be like ~$4k to $5k.

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