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Everything posted by marv3028

  1. This thread was INVALUABLE in helping me replace the HK amp that died, especially with the pinouts and the plugs to tie into the factory wiring. I figured I may as well go all the way and do the whole JDM dash kit and put the radio in the proper place. I didn't see anything related to the 24 pin plug but I found something on ebay that worked for me, just had to do my own pinning. https://www.ebay.com/itm/334984072576?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=3p4B-k2YRae&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=NC4kW9ycTZ-&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY The 10 pin (use the larger of the two) https://a.co/d/i06NNk7 and 12 pin https://a.co/d/axuzLwi plugs I ordered. I used these to connect my alpine amp for the doors and tweeters. I have yet to do something about a subwoofer but so far it sounds excellent as is with everything factory but the radio and amp. I used this to retain SWC (which worked amazingly, just connect the proper wires and it programs itself) https://a.co/d/bCd13os and lastly, this to retain the aux plug in the arm rest https://a.co/d/eqFgH1U
  2. Finally able to participate in the reindeer games lol Here's my wagon
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