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  1. Nope, worse timing ever. Just finished paying my car off a month ago and dropped it down to liability. Another reason I'm extra paranoid about it getting stolen.
  2. I took the lid to the fuse panel inside with me so there's no diagram to read. Also had spare fuses on it so just popped the 15 and stuck it in there. Unless the guy is gonna sit there on his phone and open up Google to troubleshoot, I don't think he'll figure it out. Also I live in an apartment complex so if he cranked it and it didn't immediately start, i doubt he would hang around and try and fiddle with it. It's good there was nothing valuable in there to steal, but what really pisses me off is that he took a screwdriver to the tip out ash tray trying to pry it out. Broke the hinges and chipped up everything around it. My interior was perfect before that. I guess he was looking for hidden drugs or money. I'd go sleep in my car with a can of bear spray and wait for him if it wasn't 10 degrees out. On a side note, how hard is it to re key this car? Any special tools needed? Spent the last couple hours tearing apart the house and car looking for the spare key. At this point I'm pretty sure it was in my center console and he took it. Should I let the locksmith handle it, or is this a job I can do myself? If the ignition specifically is the hard part, I can leave that for now. Just need to make sure I always lock the car.
  3. Yeah, whatever fuse I pull, I'll put a popped one in its place so it's not obvious what's missing. I was hoping there would be one I can pull under the dash since I'll probably be doing it every night for who knows how long. I'll pull fuel pump fuse for now. Thanks
  4. Last night my car got broken into. Thought I locked it but maybe not. Nothing valuable in there to steal, but I think my spare key may have been in center console and now it isnt. Until I re key it, or find the spare, how can I keep my car from being driven off? Is there a fuse under the dash to easily disable it at night? I looked at diagram and see a couple for engine control, but didn't want to pull anything that will reset computer every time
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