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Everything posted by laz

  1. Only pussies get side effects!
  2. Weird. Must be a Florida thing. We are probably getting placebos.
  3. Which one did you get? I have heard from people that got the Moderna with no side effects. The Pfizer one seems to give more side effects.
  4. You would probably also have a chubby all the time from all the peasants driving hooked up Audis to the grocery store.
  5. Have you ever even gone out for a night in Palm Beach County? Milf’s look like they are in their 30’s. Bitches are hot down here. Not on the west coast of Florida. That’s where old people go to die.
  6. We are excused for at least a year after attending jury duty even if you are not picked. The Palm Beach County courthouse is on a high rise not blocked by any other building. They have huge windows and the view is spectacular from up there.
  7. Thank you for your Jury Duty service. I have not gotten one in at least three years. I am sure I am due for one very soon! Last one got settled right before court started so I got dismissed.
  8. So did anyone take any kind of precautions to try not to get sick? Honestly I don’t know where I got it but I had been precautious in staying safe. This virus attacks people in different ways and that’s what is scary.
  9. Thanks!! This is Florida so it has always been YOLO! But yes I should be in good shape for at least 90 days.
  10. I’m on day 26. I started smelling it around day 10 but I’m not sure I’m cured just yet. Will keep on checking!
  11. I got my antibodies the natural way. Had COVID for the last two weeks. Lost my sense of smell but it is back. I got my test yesterday and it came back negative. I am lucky that it did not affect me in a bad way.
  12. CEL also comes on if you spin your wheels. It goes away on its own if that's the case. Get the code read.
  13. Have you renewed your auto warranty though? Because I am sure it’s about to expire just going from all the phone calls I am getting!
  14. Did you even watch it bro? Even just scrubbing through it! Maybe just the beginning? I’m hurts!
  15. Good video about what’s happening with GameStop and Reddit and shorts.
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