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I Donated Too
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Status Updates posted by BDII

  1. Why you no post no more
  2. Just referred a new member having trouble posting in the classified
  3. Can you help out -TT-? His account won't let him post pictures. Thank you!!!
  4. Sent another new member your way. Thank you for helping!
  5. Really appreciate all the help you give new members!!!
  6. BDII

    If you're gonna browse the PA you should post.
  7. Ben Affleck "A" cup man boobs
  8. why you trolling my profile? looking for a date?
  9. Can you check to see why I still can't post pictures?
  10. Thank you for fixing my account!
  11. Love the YouTube channel!


    Thank you!

  12. 8======D - - - - krb
  13. **** you for ignoring my visitor messages
  14. BDII

    As Jedi used to say, there's nothing better than a one pusher, no wiper.
  15. Get well soon, Mike. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. If you aint a liberal, you aint right!
  17. Hillary looks especially hot in pant suits. I plan to vote for her.
  18. You profile pic is priceless
  19. BDII

    Taste like copper pennys.
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