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Posts posted by andrew.anderson

  1. The drunk midget 2yo is definitely more clingy since the pandemic. He's not used to having Dad around as much as I am. Otherwise it's a pretty good opportunity to have more family time. My commute was about 90 minutes a day, now that's 90 more minutes of kid time since I'm working from home. I get to have lunch with the kiddo, which is neat.


    Great that you are able to get more time with the kid. To bad everyone is stuck at home or you and the family could go on family outings.


    Pandemic seems like it's forcing families to reconsider being 2 income households as someone has to make sure the kid doesn't burn the house down. Wife is new graduate with an elementary teaching degree, she's having a tough time getting an interview since I don't think these schools have any clue what they're doing yet.



    Do you think the job opportunities for educators will increase when schools reopen? I haven;t been monitoring employment opportunities fro educators but it seems as schools reopen and they decrease class size they will likely need more educators.

  2. He does, however our school system doesn't let them do virtual online meetings as a class until they are in second or third grade... Not sure if its a state rule, or local. He is able to record videos and leave them for his classmates, respond to other kids videos via video, etc. Just not live videos.


    We start baseball in two weeks. I think we're going to go forth with it. As long as the curve doesn't drastically change


    So he is young, first grade? I missed that. Video calls with grandparents / cousins? He is young enough the lack of social interaction for a few months wont be that traumatic. Good that sports are starting soon though.

  3. It's been interesting, as my wife and I both work (now from home mostly) full time.


    Parenting techniques..... not sure that they've changed. There's more tension at times, ESPECIALLY in the beginning. Lot more overall stress, trying to figure out distance learning programs, expectations, work shit, etc. Our kid is pretty well balanced, but he reverted back to having a meltdown once in a while. We've nipped that in the butt though. He doesn't ever show stress very much, as he buries it deep inside and it manifests later. Like mom and dad probably. lol. He says that this hasn't effected him, but it has to. The lack of social engagement alone as an only child, has to have some kind of impact here.


    LIttle league starts 6/20.


    I've worked from home since he was born, so that's about the same (though I'm away less, as appointments are less now). My wife has always worked from home 1-2X a week, which is now daily. It's visibly clear that he's losing out on being with his friends. Whether he realizes is or not....


    Schooling has been a challengef or the last 3 months, and will continue. They're already talking about the likelihood of next year being split between distance learning and in a classroom. He's a bit of a smarty pants, so he's already nearly a grade level ahead in the online learning measures (STMath and Lexia). So keeping him engaged over the summer while not learning even more will be challenging. Especially since most of the kids in his class appear to be struggling. I see the first month or so of the next school year being a massive refresher. We don't want him to get bored, but don't necessarily want him to stop learning either. He's not interested in skipping a grade. We shall see. I've read something that basically predict that these three months of distance learning could equate to an entire academic year being lost for many. Horrible.


    As far as teaching opportunities for your wife, once the school districts figure out their game plan (many will have one in place by the end of this month), she may see some opportunities pop up. One of the options out there for many districts will be to keep school classrooms open, while social distancing. Meaning that they will need more class room space. So you may see gyms used as classrooms, etc, to possibly create more classes of less kids. More classes could equate to more teachers. There are a lot of variables here inclusive mainly of budget and space.



    We have 5 kids so I haven't thought much about the only child getting bored. Does your son do any online video engagement as part of DL schooling? What about Zoom, Face-time, or whatever with his friends? Our kids do some variation of video chat with friends multiple times a day which helps them stay connected and helps their friends as well.

  4. I like the 'Trump Punisher' lower... :lol:


    It was on sale at a local gun shop when I lived in Rhode Island. $39. I am fairly pragmatic when it comes to firearms. If they function as they should I don't care how pretty they are. :lol:

  5. How has the school closure affect how folks parent their kids?


    I know many folks are now managing I know folks are conducting school at home (not to be confused with homeschooling) but there is a separate thread for that topic.


    Have your parenting techniques changed as a result of spending more time with your spouse and kids?

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