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Posts posted by robinlsb

  1. :)

    That was me again...Shaw's parking lot a month or so back. I wave at all LGT's and XT's. Few wave back :( .[/quote


    I guess I spotted you a few months ago at exeter Subaru. You waved, I was shocked. This type of marque recognition (I thought) was gone long ago! When I had my Porsches it happened all the time, at least until people got snooty! Next time I will wave and I appoligize for my rudeness :)

  2. 05 Sliver GT Ldt Wagon flying south bound down route 93 around 3pm near the mass/nh boader....looked like a bunch of kids in an old red civic were tryin' to keep up with you. I was in the Black 2.5i Legacy with Mass dealer plates


    Might have been me if it was the Ma. side of the border!:icon_twis

  3. Hello,


    Praedet, EBD is a simple system that just compares relative slips and probably uses some kind of maximum slip LUT. So, yeah, it's fine with whatever brake mods you make, with the usual yadda yadda about not being optimized for non 100% stock systems.


    LittleBlueGT: I only have half a decade of professional motorsports experience and only 3 years of that was as a funded factory team crew chief (Subaru of America), so I don't know everything, but I do know that in road racing, we'd take 100 lbs to get ABS any day. I've never seen a driver who posted slower times with ABS and usually, the improvement in times is significant.




    well, I am glad that at least one pro agrees with me regarding ABS. Also modern EBD does a lot more than you might think. Many EBD systems calculate bias based on expected weight transfer(ie spring rates) lateral load, wheel speed differentials( both actual and expected/anticipated) and the list goes on.


    What does Subaru do? I do not know. they won't share their source code with me.


    In any case mucking around with pads to adjust bia is at best a crap shoot. Kudos to the poster about threhold braking and four feet. I also was a professional racer(formula B&C) and (since you can SEE lock up) frequently wished for four feet and four braking systems!!!!!!

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