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Posts posted by Td_d

  1. Evening all. Jeesh, I made that definition nearly 2 years ago after Airboy requested, welcome to the party guys ;)


    In all seriousness, post up any other H6 roms and I'll define them with pleasure - they do tend to differ, albeit mildly, from region to region, and year to year.


    Also, Giovanni mentioned that Paul @ ECS Performance was looking for additional tables on the definition - Paul, let me know what you need (and if it's sensitive, i.e. alludes to your tuning approach, just PM me). From what I've seen, there is only so much you can do with the tune on the NA platform, predominantly ignition advance and cam timing, before you need to upgrade hardware. None the less - let me know - I've already pulled out the per gear torque limits, AF3 limits, low pulse width comps, fuel pump duty tables amongst others - but most of these are about driveability, not power.


    Incidentally, you already have two Romraider heavyweights on here, both Legacy owners - NSFW and DSchultz.

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