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Posts posted by RWebb

  1. I hauled up roughly 500 cans of coors light for a snowmobile group. Gallons of whiskey. And 4 cases of water. They flagged me down about 3 miles up the hill as they were thirsty.


    The buggy does close to 40 on the way down. It was so heavy, I barely could hold 10mph going up.


    About a third of them wanted to know if I'd go into town and bring back another load of beer. I'm happy to learn heavy beer consumption while driving high-powered toys did not go out of style.

    Did they tip you?

  2. In seattle, minimum wage is $15/hr for everyone. A number of restaurants went belly up. The exact opposite of what was supposed to happen. Apparently the wait staff weren't declaring their cash tips so the data suggested they weren't making a living wage. "I'm from the government, Im here to help".


    We stopped tipping for regular service. For especially bratty waitstaff, we told management on the way out we wouldn't be back. I guess we weren't the only ones who felt the large increases in menu prices and surcharges weren't worth it.

    Color me shocked!




  3. Usually they are 16 year old HS kids here, that'd get you in trouble fast. :lol:

    The "i need someone else to ID you for Booze" always helps put things in check :lol:


    I admit I manscape a bit, but I haven't been searching fo razors or other products that you'd use.. So kinda funny to see this ad show up at the bottom of a thread.

    I keep it high and tight

  4. There is NOTHING for restaurant workers in Blue states in this so called relief bill. But hey, there's 453 million to the Government of Ukraine though (and millions to the country of Georgia) , that'll really help Americans out. :rolleyes:


    Only Comedy clubs will get some money, and that's because Jerry Seinfield lobbied them for it. Which is amazing because the Restaurant and bar industry is one of the hardest hit.


    This bill is about 80% pork and 20% actual relief to Americans. It's utterly unacceptable that we waited this long and for what? To get a for a steaming pile of crap-free money handout to foreigners, that's what. This should be vetoed, but you know it won't be.

    Take it to political, not here.

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