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Everything posted by RWebb

  1. You dont visit the PA much do ya
  2. I find your statement odd as I spend time in WI
  3. All this site has left is politics the car is dead
  4. That feels over complicated. I set mine up so that if the meth fails it goes to spring pressure only boost. I was running a 15lb spring on a 20g. If you meth fails all you want to do it know so you dont blowup the car and get home. Anything else is too much engineering IMO
  5. You read this? https://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/faq-offsets-sizes-rims-and-tires-gt-xenonk-version-vol-262472.html
  6. JJ I sent him that article he sent this back to me: https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lawn-and-garden/lawn-mowers/riding-mowers/7014320?store=12051&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8eOLBhC1ARIsAOzx5cHYX-5JnCHbDHDhajYr8Z_KXgZgV-mJP8kq1g0mryzuVBVmQ8LWEHMaAoiSEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  7. Its early stages but a tech dude with funds and wants a change in life. There is the market in certain Chicago burbs for the premium cost.
  8. I was just talking to a buddy that wanted to start a "green" lawn service. The one thing holding him back was pro size mowers. You can get homeowner push one but not large ones.
  9. I act 65 and hung like an ant as long as im safe who cares.
  10. 2 things OMM: 1) Its FriYaaa! 2) Boobs or 58008
  11. This; the first few were like cool thats kind funny. Now its just sad AF
  12. You arnt going to argue my comment just that it wasn't a nice comment? checkmate
  13. RWebb

    Texas trip

    You an abortion Dr?
  14. a catback will add little HP to the car if you want quiet why bother? If you already have a DP and are looking for more power get a 3" Y and run stock mufflers.
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