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Posts posted by Dishwasher

  1. What is the house appraised for taxes purposes? When was it last sold? They usually appraise lower for tax purposes. You can also ask your realtor for comparable properties in the Neighborhood that have some recently.


    Comps in the neighborhood are a little higher than what I'm paying for houses that were remodeled more recently. I'm paying about $5k-$15k less than those homes.


    trust me, if the bank had any concerns about it not being worth anything close to what you were paying, they will get the appraisal done. If it’s worth that amount to you, I wouldn’t bother paying an extra $500 to have it appraised. I’ve also never heard of a bank skipping appraisal appraisal. Perhaps it has something to do with the down payment you are making.


    That's kind of my thought. I am doing 20% down with cash. The lender and realtor both said it's fine, but extremely rare, and nothing to be concerned about. I don't particularly trust either though.


    I would appraise. $500 is nothing on such a big purchase.


    I just don't know what the landmine is here, trying to figure it out. If it appraises much lower than the bank may have newfound concerns about the purchase, if it appraises much higher than all we've established is that I made a good deal. If it appraises much lower, then that means the appraiser found something that the home inspector would obviously find so it's a bit redundant. I dunno. Thanks guys for helping me think this through.


    Anyway I poo'd today, and it was fine.

  2. You can still do it for your peace of mind. F what the bank says.


    Yeah I mean I don't wanna take on a $500 appraisal if I don't have to. I'm still getting an inspection of the property so I'll know if there's issues with the home.


    My only guess is that they have a recent appraisal on file with the home already, but I don't know.

  3. **** you and your neighbors ridgeline. :lol:




    When you buy a truck... I Mean, when you make the conscious decision that a truck is the direction you're going in... Buy the truck one up from what you need. I mean, you're already buying something that y9ou can talk yourself out of... home depot rentals, friends trucks, etc... If you're not ready, don't buy it. But when you are ready.... Do the right thing.










    If you call the bed a 'trunk', you don't have a truck. :lol:




    Otherwise, i'll allow it, mostly because your not fulton! :lol:




    The bed has a trunk in it. It locks and you can fit at least two bodies in it. That’s what I was referring to.

  4. Cyberpunk looks fine on a xbox one x, frame rate dips a little here and there, but it's totally playable for this type of game. I'd probably be a little pissed if it was a competitive game.


    Just ordered a new Gigabyte z390 motherboard, 10th gen i7, 1tb NVME drive, and 32gb of ram to update my 1st Gen i7 computer. The ATI RX480 will carry over from my current computer as video cards are not reasonably priced right now, as will the 750w PSU.


    Need to build a network drive apparatus for my router as I have lots of hard drives, and would rather just have them permanently networked, than run to the network through my PC.

  5. Been interesting seeing the hype bubble burst for Cyperpunk.


    Seems like the initial criticisms have been about bugs, which can be patched, along with poor performance on previous gen consoles, particularly the early versions of previous gen, which can maybe be fixed via optimization patches.


    But I've also seen some pretty poor reviews of the game itself from people with top tier PCs that are able to run it smoothly. Bad NPC AI causing lack of immersion, mediocre gunplay, repetitive quests.


    I just got it for my Xbox One X, we'll see how it holds up.

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