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Posts posted by LegGTLT

  1. Avocado toast is only good if it costs more than $14.

    Wait... what if you add beets to it? What happens then? :iam:


    ^that you?


    That’s a girl bro. Not only a girl but current world champion Katie Courtney. She is a badass! Only bad thing is that she eats tacos not sammiches.


    Fish tacos?

    :lol: LOUD

  2. If you are attempting to post in the Member Classified as a Newly Registered member, please understand that access to the MC requires site run time (min 30 days) and post count (min 15 posts) before the site's system grants you access.


    That announcement is posted at the head of every MC sub-forum and in the FS rules on the Home Page.


    Until you have reached the minimum days and posts threshold, you can see threads in the Member Classified, but you are unable to create threads, or post in another member's thread.


    If you're posting in this thread, in this forum, then you are site registered and nothing further needs to be done for you to peruse and use the remaining portions of the public-facing side of the site.


  3. STOP PM-ING ME PEOPLE!!!! I AM NOT A MOD!!!! :nono:


    Banter gets deleted... my inbox fills up again... banter comes back it stops... goes away... you get the idea. :spin::rolleyes::lol:


    Yup, people still don't read here. :iam:


    What kills me though is NO ONE reads the sticky about how many posts they need. Don't PM me even I was a mod! :spin: Read the sticky in the classifieds! IT'S RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

  4. You live in the PNW. Go critique my rain.




    Your rain is shitty. It brings no spring smells or refreshing feelings. It's like acid mixed with smog shot out of a fart cannon. It makes you feel dirty just looking at it. Your rain is shitty.

  5. I've never been to Uranus, but what I can tell you is that my wife and I are going to travel to Uranus this Summer. We'll be driving into Uranus, and hopefully there's plenty of parking. We plan on picking up some Sausage and Fudge from Uranus. Maybe they have some other things to do in Uranus too. We only plan to stay in Uranus for a day or two, but who knows, if the weather is nice we might stick around a little longer.





    Well don’t beat around the bush about your trip to Uranus. Just tell them you want to permanently move to Uranus. I’m sure Uranus has more than enough room for a new family. With the amount of fudge they pack and push out, it’s got to be a good investment to jump on the Uranus train and settle down. Who knows, Uranus maybe the best that’s ever happened to you! :iam:

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