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Everything posted by crazytiger

  1. Steve Harvey trolls Bama fans on Family Feud
  2. Well, the sirens in the background might have been coming to pick her up for assault, so it might still have "gone wrong".
  3. "Looks like a racecar, sounds like a racecar...but no, I don't race it." milk snake
  4. That house actually reminded me of one of the coolest cars ever...... http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8152/7496481432_0314806a4b_z.jpg
  5. So much FAIL in that vid - 12-point turn trying to get out of the driveway. - All the creaks and groans coming from that fine GM product he's driving - He played with his hair more than she did hers. - She cried / he had to stop filming - More millennials that think everything they do should be shared with the rest of the world - Simply too much work put into trying to score with a biggin' Edit: Jeez I'm in a BAD MOOD today!
  6. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--yrvuP9dZtk/Tu-uZ55j5VI/AAAAAAAAB-k/6gjaksqcII8/s1600/bigsby.jpg
  7. Maybe he just wanted a "plain" looking tag? Our standard issue tags in Alabama are terrible. He should have gotten the Barber tag.... http://www.ador.state.al.us/motorvehicle/images/BVMM.jpg
  8. My turn to weigh in on the Jazzy Board: I have had mine installed for about a month now and it is absolutely excellent. Installation: No real problems here, except I didn't realize just how deep into the radio I was going to have to go. I thought I was going to find Jimmy Hoffa in there! Functionality: Top marks here too. The "blank" CD works like a charm. My only complaint here has nothing to do with the Jazzy board, but the volume output of the Sirius receiver itself. It is pretty weak and at highway speeds, I have to run the Legacy's radio at about "24" to get it loud enough to hear comfortably over road noise. (regular radio and cd's typically play at level "12" or so...) At first it was worse than that though....... I was having to turn it up into the "30's". At that point, the radio was running out of horsepower. The bass and treble dropped out and it spiked the mid range. I was really disappointed because it sounded like CRAP!!! I figured out what was wrong though, my "FM Transmitter" was still running and when I switched it off, I got an instant boost in volume. Much better...... I highly recommend this product.http://legacygt.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gifhttp://legacygt.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gifhttp://legacygt.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gifhttp://legacygt.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif Thanks Jazzy!!
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