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Posts posted by aldouse

  1. Down here in Fresno I've spotted a black LGT by UMC Hopital and a white one that passes my street every so often.


    I'll be up in the East Bay by the end of the month, maybe one of you guys will spot me. I'll be driving around San Ramon to Concord most of the day.


    Also, if anyone decides to come to Fresno, give me a call. I would like to meet members and check out their cars. Always open for ideas.:icon_mrgr


    welcome aboard. if you're in the concord area on a monday, there's a meet up there around 8pm.


    i-Club -- Forums - EBAIC Concord/Pleasant Hill Meet -- Mon ~ 8:00pm


    i usually go there. there's also Mt. Hamilton meet for all subbie enthusiasts on july 23. thats next sunday.


    i-Club -- Forums - The Official Mt Hamilton Meet Thread. Sign Up Here!!! - July 23rd


    hope to see you there!

  2. This could be me...with only tint windows all around im all stock...i work on the other side of McCarthy so im always there for lunch, but usually parked near BestBuy!?



    so thats who's legacy is always there i see.









    today spotted obp legacy @ parking lot across the street from burgerking off dempsey road and landess ave. in milpitas.

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