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Everything posted by GTPpilot

  1. After sifting thru this thread, I'm liking the idea of jacking up the engine a bit more and more. Especially on my '08. Anybody have any additional hazards I should be aware of when doing this ?
  2. I tried mine this morning on way to work. With HVAC turned off, hit the mode button and the recirc buttons. Seems to change the flappers for fresh air only. Not sure if the flappers to the heater core close or if they stay in the last used position per the temp setting.
  3. I agree with that. My Pontiac could be switched between single and dual mode also. Definitely a minor complaint though.
  4. I read an interview with an engineer who develops lubricants and it was pretty interesting. I have tried finding the article online but cannot. The most interesting part he discussed was that organic oil handles contamination better than synthetic. I ran synthetic blend for years as a result of that article and it served me well. Now I just run synthetic and change it more often.
  5. Had a pretty massive Detail and Tint session with mine this weekend. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2573/5771639833_6bd075c645_z.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3468/5771641499_492b57455b_z.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3262/5772186754_83b28af672_z.jpg Would not have been my first choice of color, but it looks pretty good. I really prefer darker colors, but for this purchase my only desire was anything other than silver.
  6. Saw a nice Black LGT with Dark Tint and Black wheels this morning on Route 25 in Monroe, CT this morning. Looked lowered also. I was pulling out of the Sunoco station as it was pulling in.
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