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Posts posted by laff79

  1. I initially thought he was autistic. Could still be the case. I have compelling clinical reasons to think FAS over autism. Either/or doesn't change how I deal with him much. He just doesn't "get it" so it's no use trying to talk with him, and I don't have the heart to come down hard on him knowing he seriously doesn't get it. I can't even stay mad at him for long.


    His parents, OTOH... I have to not care or I'll be at their throat the whole day. It's not ok to let your kid assault people (including extremely old and extremely young) and wreck everything in sight because "that's just how he is and we're just glad he's alive". It's the all <insert-kids-name-here> show, all the time whenever he's anywhere, because otherwise he'll be under-supervised and literally kill something/someone/himself.



    I work with 30 of these kids in an acute inpatient setting. It can be...unnerving at times lol.


    Seriously though they really don't "get it."

  2. I still have some 12-year Redbreast Irish Whiskey left over from hunting camp. I think I have a plan for this weekend. X-P


    Ah crud, that alco-fueled naptime will have to wait till after I figure out whether I'm going to Ligonier for more parts again....


    The BFAM's '05 5EAT LGT needs axles and other crap.


    bfam = brother from another mother... been friends for over 21 years.


    OK, back to parenting... so my dad had an affair and is divorcing my stepmom after 29 years.. Jeez, it just keeps gettting better and better.


    My son has been lying to me about his stepdad and lying to his mom about my wife.... Hmmmm... what else....



    If I drink enough I'll end up knocking up my ex and just add more sauce to this WTFBBQ.


    OK I'm kidding. I'd never cheat on my wife... just saying... I mean, what's next???? My dad's lady friend winds up pregnant?

    I guess that would be OK since my dad's only son died 16 years ago... Oh, wait... I forgot to tell you guys I'm literally the milkman's kid...



    You need a good shrink, not an automotive forum.

  3. Thanks for your insightful, as always, comment. I was asking more to find out if it's worth going to court? Hire an attorney? If she goes to court, will it be reduced, etc etc. Having lived in and gotten tickets in many states, I'm aware that it varies from state to state. So, I'm asking those that may have local insight.


    Easy princess. Just pay the fine and call it a day. Young, out-of-state driver like that stands zero chance of beating it.

  4. Well, confirmed today that the wife is pregnant with only one tiny baby blob (6.5wks). We had an early ultrasound to check for twins since they run in her family.


    Relieved to only have one on the way, although having twins would have been cool and would have had it's own merits I'm sure :)


    She currently feels like crap :( (just general nausea and stuff)


    You horny bastard! Congrats!!

  5. Anyone here know much about Lexipro? My girl started on 10 mg a day, up to 20 mg a day after a week, if no change. Hopefully it takes the edge off.


    It will help. Takes a few weeks to reach full effect. Take at night to avoid lethargy during the day. Will help her sleep better as well.

  6. Congrats on #3 Syndicate. I just had my third as well. They are the best thing ever (after you get through the first few months of no sleep).




    Congrats. I'm good with two though. Three's a crowd in my book :lol:

  7. Almost baby time. We have a c-section scheduled for Friday at 7AM. Have to be at the hospital at 5AM. Ugh.


    This is going to be a whole different experience than the last one. I'm not sure what to expect actually having a newborn in the room with us instead of in the NICU.


    Best of luck bro. And congrats in advance!

  8. my best friend has an autistic son, his first day of kindergarten he snuck back in the room during recess and ate everyones lunches, then swung from the coat hanger rods for an hour while the teachers tried to stop him, then gave a teacher a black eye when she tried to "hug him out of it". he didnt get invited back for a second day. he will make eye contact, speak in full sentences, and after 7 or 8 years of special needs classes is being placed in general education classes. he will still drop trou and poop in the living room for no reason once in a while tho.


    These are the type of kids I deal with at work everyday. Half my unit is autistic these days. Pain in the ass.

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