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Everything posted by Paradiso

  1. http://cost278.org/logo/content_header_image.jpg
  2. http://thelibrary.springfield.missouri.org/toys/photos/262.jpg
  3. http://media.beachwalks.tv/video/0611/beachwalk_255_061104.jpg
  4. Yes, I'm slow. (Ferrari Dino) 246 for you: http://www.seriouswheels.com/pics-1970-1979/1974-Dino-246-GTS-Red-Front-Engine-Lid-st.jpg 247 to catch up: http://www.markhannah.net/images/logo-247-large.gif
  5. http://www.rpmcat.com/images/16P-243CAR.jpg Too Slow: http://www.eurotunnel.com/NR/rdonlyres/DB74FBEF-7851-41F8-8C78-BECC5954DC94/0/Coach2006_245.jpg
  6. HEY! http://www.studioconsultants.com/manufacturerhtmfiles/SevenWoods/sst206panel.jpg
  7. ^^ I don't believe you. http://scidiv.bcc.ctc.edu/rkr/biology203/bio203head.GIF http://topmuseum.org/images/wood%20throw%20top%20204%20with%20ruler.jpg
  8. C'mon, a little artistry, something unusual. Pictures of cars with numbers on their sides are OK but... http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/narotzky/images/Muntaner195.JPG
  9. http://facultyfiles.deanza.edu/images/madiganjulie/esl172spring2007.jpg
  10. http://www.archimagazine.com/xromeo1.jpg http://www.archimagazine.com/xromeo2.jpg
  11. http://www.backroadsproject.com/photos/157.jpg
  12. http://okroads.com/052103/i196miappus131_34mi.JPG
  13. http://www.111chophouse.com/images/room_shots/exterior.jpg
  14. http://images.tigerdirect.com/skuimages/large/ATHLON64.jpg
  15. http://www.bikingbis.com/_photos/DSC01469.JPG
  16. (Powned by the slow post) For teh geeks http://farm1.static.flickr.com/136/355432977_755e71aacd_o.jpg For fans of nasty sechs http://www.impawards.com/1986/posters/nine_and_a_half_weeks_ver1.jpg For the morose http://www.fordyce.org/genealogy/cemeteries/Claughton/NineAlbert.jpg
  17. So if I bring my car in, I'll have to unmarry the AP, right? I have the resistor fix in for the EGT but have a crucial up and down pipe. Will I throw a CEL. I guess they'd have to be complete morons to miss the up pipe when the hood is open but I'd still like to try to quietly slip in under the radar.
  18. Boy sometimes I miss PTown. Lived there year round for 5 years in the late 70s/early 80s. (No, I'm not a butt pirate)
  19. You were blinded by all the chickitas hangin around your car. There were quite a few of us LGTs there. We should definitely do a meet someplace central.
  20. Yea, you think its says something about my "straightness" that I spent 5 years living year round in Ptown and now I live in Noho? :icon_surp Oh noes, I'm a lesbian!!! :icon_surp ( and a really hairy, ugly one at that)
  21. We missed a perfect opportunity. Saturday was the gay pride parade in Noho. We could have had an LGT contingent!!
  22. Ah, but its MY town that you misspelled and its right <===== There That's OK, everybody in Baaahston thinks you live in Western MA (Hell, they think Framingham is Western MA)
  23. Or maybe instead of writing "In bed on your mama" in their location, people could actually put the town where they live. Just a suggestion...
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