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Posts posted by jasejase

  1. Yeah man, the PNW is a good spot for beer, so you will be overwhelmed. At a brewery, having a sample or a flight is a great way to see what general kind of beer you may like... And remember, if you hate something, don't give up on necessarily. You may love another version or brewery's rendering of that beer. There are thousands and thousands of ipa's. I surely don't love them all. Not to mention, after you try even the same beer a few times, you may grow accustomed to it.
  2. :lol:


    Guinness isn't bad. It will always have a place in my heart. It's about 3X the cost of bud too, so it must be better :)


    Sometimes, I don't want a super complex beer. On a low and slow kinda day where you're in it for the long haul..... :lol:

  3. Jumping into big flavors, like high abv beers, IPA's, etc is always tough. Not to sound clichéd, but it's often an acquired taste. But once acquired.... :lol:


    My first go to beer was Guinness. It's not nearly as heavy and overbearing as it appears. I still love a Guinness, and I still classify it as a session beer! low ABV, low calories. Smooth as all hell.

  4. Just keep at it if you want to... Try new things. I know people that didn't leave Miller lite till SEVERAL encounters with real beer. Double your age.


    Refine your tastes. Try crafts. Don't be afraid of hating it. Split beers with friends where you can. That lowers your investment exposure. And if you hate something, try it again.


    There's no secret beer that you'll love.


    A relatively mass produced, easy to find piney ipa out your way would be stone ipa. There are better, but ease into it! Don't be afraid to ask the clerk at the beer place too.

  5. Have you had any stouts?


    Diving into craft beer can be very intense. There are many flavors. You can have 5 different beers that are... Lagers (insert any type here), and they will all taste drastically different.


    With mass produced beer, the differences aren't as pronounced.


    You like gin and tonic... What kind of gin? If you don't know, did it taste like a Christmas tree? Lol. If so, you may enjoy some ipa's that have a pine forward taste.


    Craft beer is all about exercising your taste buds. What you hate today, you could grow to love after more exposure.

  6. Need some more info. What kind of beer do you enjoy the most? What's your favorite cocktail?


    There are some VERY clever and interesting beers out there now. If I knew you better id offer to send you some sours that would revolutionize your point of view on beer. They're like ******* smoothies. :lol:

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