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Everything posted by 987687

  1. Sorry I didn't respond back to this in a timely fashion. I had no idea the visitor message thing existed, and just noticed it today. ha.

    Here's my online photo album of my GL. It's a really fun car!!!



  2. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z314/987687/omnomcar.jpg
  3. ^^ it was in my back yard too
  4. I once shot a CRT multiple times from 20' away with a .45-70... hehe. CRT wasn't to happy after that
  5. The easiest plug change I have ever done is on my home built moped My subaru was pretty darn easy too though. Yay for the 2.2L
  6. That's more than it cost me to have my stripped out plug heli-coiled...
  7. I don't see anything wrong with a helicoil in my head, it works better than without one (Yes, I have a helicoil in my head, I like being able to thread sparkplugs into my skull)
  8. Cross threading will give you more a problem than bits of aluminum in the cylinder. Little bits of aluminum will burn up and probably not be a problem.
  9. One of my plugs was either over torqued or something, but it was a bitch to get out. I really had to put my weight into it to get it out. Anyway, about 4k after new plugs that one blew out of the engine and stripped...
  10. Really? An tight as you could? For your sake I hope you are really weak and couldn't turn them more than a turn and a half or 2 turns... Otherwise you gonna have big issues later on...
  11. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z314/987687/Warren%20AutoBarn%20messup/omnomnom.jpg
  12. Yeah, had a heli coil put in. After seeing how easy it was, I should have done it myself.
  13. so I did my plugs around 4k ago... plug 2 was wicked stuck, and recently it blew out of the engine and stripped.
  14. I believe the radio is 8.something volts. I have a crap load of random stuff lying around, so I had some of the right voltage in a box...
  15. No, they are soldered onto the radio. Mine were burned out behind the clock, so I soldered in other bulbs. But unless you want to go soldering (and find bulbs that work) you can't change them. (this was on a 1996 legacy, but the stock radio looks exactly the same as the '99, so I'm 99% sure it is the same on the 98 too)
  16. Brings back memories of a trip to europe... On the FIRST flight they backed the baggage thing into the plane and put a hole in it. Missed EVERY connection. It took 4 days to get to europe and major head ache...
  17. So a couple months ago I did a little mod to my laptop, fits this thread perfectly http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z314/987687/img_2115.jpg
  18. I thought it was just my computer, didn't make sense that the latest version of flash10 wasn't up to date... http://pixal.us/img/up/index/1152832378.jpg
  19. Well the outback is a '99 with the 2.5, I haven't done it yet, but it doesn't look fun. The 2.2 is in my '96 was wicked easy though. I actually took the engine out yesterday, so I should have waited till then... Oh well.
  20. Haha, that's pretty funny. When I do my outback I'll make sure my 13 year old sister is home!
  21. Good job! The 2.5 is a royal pain in the butt. The plugs are due on my outback... no fun. I really liked doing the plugs on my 2.2, they are all accessible with the same extension, and don't have to remove anything besides the plug wires.
  22. It was wicked easy to do the spark plugs on my 2.2L, took about 30 minutes tops. Didn't have to remove anything. 2.2L FTW
  23. The bulb behind the buttons (defroster, foot, etc) is possessed on mine. It sometimes works, and then will randomly go off. Hitting it makes it work again :/ Right now it is freezing cold though, so I'll fix it when it is either warmer, or I'm at someone's house with a heated garage.
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