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F-WDC Spec B

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Everything posted by F-WDC Spec B

  1. Josh your car looks different w/o all the magnets n tape for the autox days.
  2. edgewater last night an odp lgt i had mad bikes on the back of my car.
  3. In hoboken last night a modded OBP lgt. i was in the DGM n gave you the subie nod.
  4. yesterday about 5:30pm on the GSP north a SWP LGT i was the DGM that gave you the subie nod.
  5. you would have spotted me but as you were coming on to rt3 i was about to change lanes to the right lane but i saw you n went into the left lane. i was going really fast so if u n i did end up in the lane we would have the first dual stretch limo spec b
  6. Yesterady a DGM LGT maybe Spec b with tints on route 3 in clifton. i was the spec b zooming by.
  7. this morning GSP South. OBP LGT with NY plates. You were in the right line in traffic while i was in the on ramp moving right by you. Also on the GSP South in the Linden area. White LGT Wagon.
  8. Yes you clasp your hands behind your head and flap your elbows together twice.
  9. Me too..?????? Mods???? btw this morining a silver lgt wagon. i was the spec b who exchanged subi nods... last night an 07 spec b with a stock spoiler i was the one following you for a bit. n you were on the phone *tsk*tsk*
  10. Today in bloomfield along side the GSP a SWP LGT wagon. Looks like you had some chromie volks.
  11. drive your car to my house leave it and the keys and i will make sure it gets spotted.
  12. i think now that the weather is better we are spotting each other more.
  13. this morning GSP South a tinded OBP OBXT with modded grill...
  14. a lil late but on monday a 06-07 QSM LGT on the GSP N in the evening rush. i was the DGM blasting music. Last night another QSM 08-09 with tint all around parked next to me at willowbrook.
  15. Im so excite im going to need someone to pass me a tissue.
  16. This morning GSP south bound QGM LGT i was the DGM that flew by on your right side.
  17. Hey similiar set up to me. I have custom brake powder coated 07 spec b rims and black primer spots where the paint chipped.
  18. John if you really want to get to mike. just tell him all the great food youve been eating. i think mike had has enough mex n in'n out as he can take.
  19. today debaged silver 05-06 ob sedan in clifton on bloomfield ave. i was the dgm behind you with hids
  20. spotted friday afternoon silver lgt on the parkway north in the newark area. we both gave the "subi" nod.
  21. dont forget to check them regularly and to turn your head and cough http://www.siyclone.com/forum//style_emoticons/default/cough.gif
  22. ^ think i may have seen your car on my way from 139 to montgomery.
  23. yesterday on my way home from work. ABP LGT Yellow laminx on the fogs and tinited windows on watchung ave in bloomfield.
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