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F-WDC Spec B

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Everything posted by F-WDC Spec B

  1. ehh how can you guys go to GSP during the season. Never good parking and its insanely packed.
  2. Last night on the GSP Northbound right after the Union toll. Sliver LGT you were on the phone in traffic w/no headset. smart.
  3. Two in row. Nice! Lemme now jinx it for a third. HAHA.
  4. Tonight RT3 West goin over the Passic river bridge Silver LGT. Tints and it wasnt aaron i think. i was in the white lancer that pull up by you.
  5. Today on the Pway a black LGT heading south bound just before the Edison Service area. You were on the phone *tsk*tsk*
  6. that sounds kinda cool. Also less confusion when similar cars are in the same area. but does nj/ny/ct have enough people.
  7. Not to long ago on GSP south bound.... Union Area: newer Black LGT in the Middle lanes Clark Area: 08 DGM Spec B, pulled up next you but you were driving in a daise. Gota love 9-5.
  8. today black LGT at lynns service parking lot and on 46W near willowbrook mall black LGT you slowed down to look and i nodded...
  9. Nice..!! Then i think i saw you pointing at my car when i was leaving. My sister boyfriend loves all your cars. He called me up and started describing it and i was like that prolly you. so i went there to check the whole thing.
  10. aaron were you at the Lounge 46 Car show yesterday? I think that was you.
  11. the subie meet was last night? Damn i didnt know what day it was. Yes that one
  12. Last night in the frezzing cold at the almost dead car meet.. a white LGT wagon NY plates Tints all round. There were also almost no subies there. and the Evos are still showing up strong.
  13. Yesterday evening on the GSP north bound around exit 136 blue LGT mainly staying in the left and the middle left lane.
  14. hey that transformer badge looked super, WHICKED awsome, and radical when i saw it. HAHA! but really it almost through me off till i saw aarons next to his.
  15. Last night in weehaken in the parking lot across chart house a silver 06 LGT Spec B.
  16. Yea my car was all out of place and parked angular n all. Whatever! voytech i didnt see your car so i didnt think you were there.
  17. Hey i was there last night. I saw your cars but i didnt see you. When i came back to where you were parked my friend told me you guys left. some how i ended up parking in the two rows of evos. my car was out of place there.
  18. Today bout 530 GSP north bound white LGT tinted out with what looked like gunmetal rims. you exited 138
  19. Yesterday around 5:30PM GSP N Bound around exit 130. Silver LGT
  20. Wow.. Lynns near me and Wayne subaru service departments are pretty good. although last time i was at lynns for a warranty issue they took their dear sweet time with me car. All they had to do was cut the roters. that only takes 5 Mins each. i was there for a few hours.
  21. aaron where did you get your windshield done? Did you get aftermarket or the OEM glass? cuz i have heard bad things aboud the aftermarket and especially paired with a low quality install the seal cracks and water can seep in and the windshield is loose. Im worried one of my nicks might spider. and will need to replace it too.
  22. Actually i did notice but the windshield stood out the most. Plus it was dark so i wasnt really looking. That freakin sucks thou. I have a few nics on my windshield all from rocks kicked up from other cars. but you gota love the parkway! Hey lemme know if youll sell your front lip. ill prolly see you one of the next few thurs.
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