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Chris GTO TT

I Donated Too
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Posts posted by Chris GTO TT

  1. Yeah that's the thread I knew I saw just couldn't search for it at work. Overall I'm pretty happy with the spacing between the gears on the spec.B 6spd. My ultimate transmission would be 07 STi with spec.B 5th and 6th. However I have no real reason to spend that kind of money when I have a Miata that will be cheaper and more fun on the kind of drives that would really benefit from those changes.
  2. Well the 1.8L was dropped off at home today and I already swapped the timing kit and plugs. I'm going to have to source an exhaust manifold and figure out what clutch and flywheel I want to go with since I have both to choose from. I'm going to get the injector harness moved tomorrow night and then see what else I can figure out....


    I'm really hoping I can sneak this one by the smog guys lol.

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