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05GT Guru

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Everything posted by 05GT Guru

  1. I have seen that before as well. Helmets at night to get the head shaped right, usually for 6 months or so. Not a big deal, happens a lot actually.
  2. A woman I work with has been going through something similar. Her daughter is over 2 now and only weighs 21lbs, which is the same weight as my daughter who just turned a year. She had to go throw therapy to learn how to walk because she was behind in development because of her size. She has had numerous test done on the child and claims the doctors do not believe anything is wrong with the child, only that her physical development is slowed because of her small size.
  3. The guy is feeling a bit down. That tends to happen when a person has to go through something like that. Peoples first response is generally to suggest seeking help or a getting prescription but I still like to believe many people can get though it without seeking professional help. Some can't and there is nothing wrong with that if it is needed but I think we are in an age where we tend to run to shrinks or pills without really needing them. LALGT I think it is normal to feel down or unhappy when you lose a child(duh right), especially a younger child. I hope you have good friends and family to help keep you level headed or at least to talk to... if not there is always LGT.com.
  4. Wow, those are some big bumps. Good luck!
  5. It will be interesting times for sure. They will also have to worry about their dad messing with them all the time, they can ask their aunt about that. The older one already asks me to "get this baby out of my room" sometimes.
  6. Sorry to hear of your loss. I have never lost a child so I cannot relate to you on that but I have lost young people who were very close to me. You will always feel it, the pain is there to your core. What hopefully gets "easier" is living with it, having happiness even with pain in you. Here are my two, a 1 year old and a 5 year old.
  7. My first car was a 1979 and I got it in 2003. Changed the engine and trans as well as many minor parts before I got rid of it.
  8. We got lucky, both of our daughters slept through the night for the most part from 3-4 weeks on. Rowan which is our second is now 11 months old and has begun waking up 2-3 times a night to eat which isn't like her. She is probably going through a growing stage. She did sleep all the way through last night. Their mother is a stay at home mom so I never had to worry about waking up with the baby.
  9. We have that here but not 5minutes away. We have two which are always dirty and full of shitty people who would best serve this country by eating all the pills in the pharmacy and then we have one deep in the suburbs that they are currently finishing up and then one out by my work probably 10 miles away from the shitty walmarts that is huge, squeaky clean and full of nice looking folks.
  10. And that is how infections happen. I was 20 when I had my first and only I was working. We made that shit work and I never reused a diaper.
  11. Obviously I was speaking about stock as I added unless you have some software to launch
  12. And how do you do it right? Pull the ebrake lol? Just get a 2 step
  13. Manual transmission cars dont launch on boost.
  14. Thats the drivers fault not the car , You can enjoy slow cars, I have. Hell the first couple hundred races I was ever in was when I was driving around a GMC Jimmy 4.3 liter v6. Got it to run a 15.2 after a cold air intake, throttle body spacer, exhaust.
  15. Hondas are slow in straight lines, everyone except honda fans know this
  16. Lol cause Subarus are not the best 1/4mile cars and most people dont buy them to run 1/4mile therefore most owners dont care too much about 1/4mile times. Always cool to see times imo
  17. Just gut you cats and do a open source tune, the gain to cost ratio is huge, 100 dollars in parts for a be performance gain.
  18. Yeah my 79 malibu when i had the stock 6 cylinder would start in -30, its not the oil lol, who said that
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