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Everything posted by CTATV

  1. I update the list when people make posts, ill get to that in a little bit, i just woke up....
  2. he talked up and was an ass in the hairy-man meet this fall yet what a surprise he didn't show up after i told him i was going to kick his asss you really should come to the next meet ultimatepedophile, your really gathering a following from the tri-staters
  3. yeah, but a different shade of silver isnt really an attention getter for anybody accept people who know subarus
  4. Ill get it fixed up by this weekend for you guys... I was on vacation and have been busy with looking for a job but I will make a point to get it done by then...
  5. 06 Spec.B sorry its teh shiznit.... Brick red leather is hawt, unique color is hawt, rims are hawt, no SI is hawt... :lolololols:
  6. List updated, added new kober1 from their PM sorry for the delay I was on vacation guys Jenny, we should get together I'm in woodbury so you're right down the road!
  7. wow you suck at life. NY is 24 and I'm 23, so its not oldies that think you are a powerbottom, its people of all ages
  8. There were some complications (thanks jedi) and it was removed.... Ill figure something out...
  9. I'm on vacation right now, will update when I get to a computer (on the iPhone now). Keep your eyes peeled, going to have an 06 spec.B meet in western ct in a month or two... Got at least 4 already... Think of a lineup of them all
  10. No. U going to efi?
  11. CTATV

    Happy bday
  12. it wasnt the 80s you have no excuse. I dont need an excuse I hate being clean shaven and at the time of that picture, the girl i was with hated when I was clean shaven as well... ive got plenty of other things to shave I dont mess with the face that often...
  13. Hello 1985, nice jean shorts Officer Dangle...
  14. that sucks... hopefully they dont total it on you...
  15. Ill get them updated later today, im on my way out to pick somebody up for dinner, but ill get it later
  16. everything should be up to date now, thanks for the recent submissions. added an Unknown section at the bottom for ones that we know exist but dont know what number
  17. funny comment i cant say about white trash fat chicks..... and who likes to sleep with them
  18. hmmm... I updated half of the new posts, will get to the rest of them in the next day or so
  19. for sale at a dealership or private owner. dealership they could have had it on the lot or some SOA car that was used for special purpose... private owner I would expect them to have a story up front of how low the mileage is if not thats a little sketch...
  20. NY im trying hard to derail your thread, its getting fingerbanged:spin:
  21. clearly that dude is finger bang bang bang bang bang http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n292/RisingFighter/FingerBang.jpg
  23. still havent updated im in NY for my grandfather's funeral but i will get it updated soon
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