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Everything posted by jamiesong

  1. lmvt in williston on 2a heading past blair park/chittenden bank. i was behind a car at that light waiting to turn out. looks good man
  2. edited previous post to clarify my meaning... That wagon NYtoVT spotted that I saw before. We really need to get his set up.
  3. NYtoVT: I'm not crazy, thank goodness you saw it! So when can we get yours done? Edited for clarification.
  4. Saw a black gt wagon, dark tint, black wheels (maybe chrome lip?) on the higway around exit 14 at about 6:15-6:30 and it wasn't NYtovT. They were going north, i was heading south (in the hyundai heh)
  5. ahhh, well sometimes family is more important. But only sometimes, ok?
  6. I thought you were trying to get out to naiperville...???
  7. I saw them up on VTRides... Looks good guys. I don't know if I could sit in groff's car anymore... it was scary fast last year at hooters!
  8. whoa guys, chill out. It's all fun and games until someone loses and eye, and then it's just fun! I knew you guys were getting tuned, and damn was it hot so I wouldn't be surprised at all if the numbers were unusually low. LMVT - were you at least moderately happy with the #s?
  9. Did you ever figure out who's LGT that was at the meet last night? It looked very nice.
  10. LMVT @ 5 corners this evening at 5:30-ish. heading down 2a towards williston.
  11. lmvt, did i see you pulling out again tonight? it was already dark, so I didn't see the headlights until we'd passed each other but I was going towards browns trace. about 8-ish.
  12. I would have come off browns trace since I was coming back from work. Odd, I NEVER see you around and then 2+ times in a week.
  13. Nope, prelude again, right in front of you... It was weird, one second you weren't there, the next you were. Legacy should be coming back this weekend... Damn do I need to clean it.
  14. LMVT (again?) on 15 west in jericho from merchants to cilley hill this evening 5:30-ish.
  15. Yeah, taht was me. We were out looking at houses, i saw your car coming not even realizing it was you and said "damn that's a nice legacy" to my girlfriend. And i'll agree 100% on the roads, we went down some interesting ones where i wished we were in the legacy.
  16. Spotted LMVT in jericho turning off onto the underhill road past the mill river park about 10 minutes ago (4:30-ish). Car looks good. wish i could keep mine that clean!
  17. I think I saw groff on 89 S around 5 headed toward 189 near the UVM exit.
  18. hahaha How do you think my car looked? mine went from Diamond Grey Metallic to diamond brown matte... Although all the junk from last night cleaned it off pretty well.. I need another coat of wax though.. damn dirt roads.
  19. I think I saw LMVT turning into the car wash on 15 in essex next to the KFC this evening around 5:20 or so. It was a white LGT/spoiler and looked like stock 05-06 rims (I was coming out of kfc).
  20. Yeah, I know the silver works at GE/IDX, as does a blonde lady with a blue 08 lgt. I'm definitely seeing more... Although most of what i see on a regular basis is OB/obxt... I live on essex/Jericho border, literally. My neighbors on the other side of the border have ob/obxts, and they're just all over the place up here.
  21. should have taken pics with your phone... of the car goofy! otherwise that could be sexual harrassment!
  22. Yeah, I think if we get a clear day in the up coming week I'll have to do it while I'm @ the office or something...Haven't cleaned the interior once, and it is starting to show that i live on a dirt road.
  23. Today @ 5:15-ish nytovt at the radioshack/bockbuster @ 189 & Shelburne rd. Damn that car looks good clean! I'm jealous... I really need to get mine done inside and out, but it just never seems appropriate with the weather we've been having lately. Also, tint that thing! geez man, you don't HAVE to wait for spring!
  24. I saw a gorgeous (not to mention CLEAN) white 2.5i @ Jolly's next to kmart on shelburne road this morning. PArked next to it, but I don't think the guy even looked as he was leaving...
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