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Everything posted by vkchu

  1. appreciate the work and great cust svc. maybe you could send a survey to customers and get some data points that way, and possibly put together a faq/solutions doc?
  2. thx, friend took pic of my car in an underground garage. lil photoshop magik on the headlights. havent heard the song before - i like it. unfortunately, bittersweet symphony turned me off to the entire band from all of the overplays.
  3. arent cyber monday deals about the same? making a purchase on the internetz from the comfort of my home/office, and having it shipped directly to me without any hassle makes a lot more sense vs fighting off 10 people wanting a pos tv for 20 bucks less.
  4. 05-06 lgt, black? too dark to tell. fletcher ave in ft lee a few hrs ago. you were in front of me, and punched it onto the palisades north. if it wasnt rush hr, id have lined up next to you :]
  5. yesterday, red gt, no spoiler on 303n. u were right ahead of me. looked stock from my vantage point, maybe tints. another gt (rbp or bk) turning onto kings hwy from 340. two spots within minutes. lots of u around here!
  6. dont see that color too often. does your v1 work as well vs cups/visor stuck on the dash like that?
  7. heh, i think thats the first time ive been spotted as well.
  8. might have been me. going towards rockland county? that rain was pretty nutso.
  9. i had a similar experience last winter. was driving up grand ave in montvale by mbusa, and all sorts of cars were getting sideways, trying to get up the hill (esp those 3 series drivers). i was getting lots of shocked expressions as i was able to blow on by, even from a dead stop, leaving roostertails in my wake. pretty darn hilarious-i should have taken pics. no matter, theres always this winter!
  10. if anybody has consulting experience, specifically in the financial sector (banking, capital markets, risk mgmt, technology, etc), pm me. our company is hiring aggressively at all levels. relevant industry experience will also be considered.
  11. not sure how relevant dice.com is nowadays, but give that a shot along w/ indeed and simplyhired. those w/ openings on the forum here will (hopefully) post.
  12. red lgt 945a-ish by grand and van nostrand (englewood). you turned left onto grand. i was on the bus. lol.
  13. not a bad pic for what i assume is a camera phone. that hitch on the rear end will def prevent ppl from tailgating.
  14. ^ haha the owner might freak out, seeing what looks to be a parking ticket from afar.
  15. anybody in the tri-state area willing to help/do () this retrofit? im willing to pay some $ as im pretty sure id mess this up. or if you prefer, pizza, beer, etc is on me.
  16. ive yet to try that place. i should swing by one of these days.
  17. today: 1) west side highway north before gwb, silver gt. followed me across the bridge onto palisades pkwy north. 2) and on that same palisades, a dgm (?) spec b ahead of me. u put your hazards on as we rolled to a stop while road crew was fixing potholes by exit 2. +1 for safety.
  18. actually, only lgt-ny is everywhere at all times.
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