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Everything posted by LegacyGTBiggie

  1. WTF? why go to that homo ass state? CA really? the govenator? LOL
  2. Anyone who doesnt know where it is. Call me. If you dont have my number call KEN. If you dont have either PM me before 6pm and ill get it to you!!!
  3. BTW that link doesnt have the address for this Taipai... Just so you know. It only lists Whiteflint and fallgrove.
  4. What amazes me the most is to see/hear about the morons that my Fiancee works with. And they all make 70K+ a year. WTF am I doing wrong?
  5. Halpine Rd and Rockville pike is the nearest light. back behind the hooters and radio shack and shit. Ill update if i find out different from KEN. BTW KEN>>> CALL OUT!! which one? address?
  6. This is the one by FUDRUCKERS. as far as Ken has told me...
  7. Tonight at the Taipay Tokyo near fudruckers on Rockville Pike. PM me if you need directions. See everyone at 8pm. JOSHUA
  8. i need shit sold. Being unemployed during xmas kinda sucks. Selling shit to buy diamonds for the Fiancee.
  9. Sure. Im unemployed. Already sold my Jazzy mod and Cubby pod. Now its just the EGT gauge. Then im getting a autometer cup to mount the boost on the steering column
  10. JANUARY MEGA MEET OFFICIAL THREAD http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125547 Just an IDEA for anyone in the MD/VA/DC/NJ/DE/PA/NY area. this should shape up to be one VEYR large LGT meet.
  11. Yeah with NOVA passing more taxes for people who eat out? No thanks. I dislike Vaginia... Come up this way! LOL See everyone friday.
  12. So we are all good for Taipai tokyo on December 4th. 8PM. And after anyone who wants to we will just caravan over to one of the two billards places. I normally prefer winstons.
  13. Just putting it out there. Would love to see some of the tristate people come out in January. This meet is in Northern MD and very close to some of you. JANUARY MEGA MEET OFFICIAL THREAD http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125547
  14. You know what they say, if the ass is too big maybe you equipment is too small!! LOL I just happen to prefer a trunk with some junk to it! I say let's do dinner as usual. And see how many people would want to do bowling/billiards after.
  15. JANUARY MEGA MEET OFFICIAL THREAD http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125547 Just an IDEA for anyone in the MD/VA/DC/NJ/DE/PA/NY area. this should shape up to be one VEYR large LGT meet.
  16. well the next meet is open. What kind of ideas do you have?
  17. JANUARY MEGA MEET OFFICIAL THREAD http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125547
  18. JANUARY MEGA MEET OFFICIAL THREAD http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125547
  19. January Meet is coming up.. Want all the Local LGTs to show up. WIthout many STIs or WRXs. Just our community.
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