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Everything posted by LegacyGTBiggie

  1. I wish I could get mine... But MD went to the ghey 1812 war plates only and they are hideous! http://www.mva.maryland.gov/bin/f/j/1812-license-tag-small.jpg If I could still get the good old black and white I was going to be getting JOOBARU
  2. asshatery is FUN... off topic is always entertaining... Some people just take the internets WAY WAY WAY to serious
  3. It isnt even mature... Maybe they are insecure and act overly mature. We are all car guys. It is in our nature to play who is fastest from a light. They are just in denial.
  4. Or maybe you moved. No they just tend to be pretty full of themselves and annoyed me early on. I went to one of their meets... And on the way home one chased me down to run me. Lost and when I posted asking who it was I got flamed. So fuckem
  5. Know the area. Might want to develope some kind of working relationship with Agile. Hill and Joe and those guys are awesome and know their subies like few others. www.Agileauto.com I am thinking of having my winter meet there this year
  6. LOL... where in Bmore aer you located. There are plenty of compitent shops in the area. I personally prefer eitehr AGILE AUTOMOTIVE(in fallston MD) or DPS TUNING in Gaithersburg. But you also have IAG/MachV/Andrewtech and a few other locally. ANd most could manage your G20 clutch as well as your 90 service.
  7. in rockville or in Gburg? Im gonna haev to look into the location.
  8. Ok quick Vote. Saturday the 7th or the 14th? And Im still voting and pushing for PHO
  9. Also does your girl look like Amy Smart? http://hollywoodcrush.mtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/roadtrip.jpg or that girl who played his GF in that movie? HOT REDHEADS MMMMM http://l.yimg.com/eb/ymv/us/img/hv/photo/movie_pix/dreamworks_skg/road_trip/rachel_blanchard/roadtrip.jpg
  10. you are just a busy mutha fawker arent you? Are you sure that isnt university of Austin? Or is it really Boston? http://www.lazydork.com/movies/roadtrip.jpg
  11. Not like that at all. Also why I like having them fairly often. So when people miss some they are still abel to make it to so many others.
  12. I want to make these meets as accessible as possible for the largest amount of people. So to that extent I am trying to be open to other days and times.
  13. We could do August 7th? DOes taht work for everyone? switch things up a little and get Hangman back out? I am still leaning towards PHO for this meet. So id like a list of the better pho places in teh area. Preferably places with mroe than just soup for those who dont like PHO.
  14. So next meet.... Korean BBQ on twinbrooke or a PHO place?
  15. Well just be vigilant and look for the good deals. I jsut sold my old down pipe to shawn. So used parts are abound and the more you know those in the community, the better chances of finding a good deal or two.
  16. its addictive as shit... Just a FYI You should try and buy all harrys parts before he buys that evoX
  17. Ok so next trip there are two choices... The Lighthouse korean BBQ place on twinbrooke... Or PHO as discussed. I will leave this up to vote with my power of veto...
  18. Not neccisarily. Performance cars and trucks and SUVs are actually getting harder to move. As such prices have been coming down on them.
  19. The Evos are much better than MOST people give them credit for int he subaru world. And the new X is just that next level of vehicle. Ive known more than one person who swore their Honda/VW/whatever was the bomb. lost to or rode in a evo... and they almost all have evos now. Bolted cammed and tuned making 370+awhp on the daily with almost no issues... And reliable. OMG i wish. too bad i LOVE my LGT and am happy making 260ish awhp
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