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Posts posted by FJuan

  1. Your TOB telling you something and you better look into it before it gets worse and leave you on the side of the road.


    The TOB rests against the clutch even when not engaged and the chatter you hear is 1 of 2 things.


    1. The TOB is damaged already and is skipping around on the pressure plate fingers.

    2. Some of the pressure plate fingers could be damaged and chattering against the TOB.



    Majority of the time it's going to be number 1.

  2. The light green doesn't match anything in the room, plus your furniture and entertainment center is dark. That's why a light sand or beige would look good there. The green on the stairway looks great, since there's no furniture to off set.


    New landscaping looks good, and will look better once it matures. But, the lower bricks are throwing me off. It's the color that stands out and doesn't blend with anything else on the house.


    IMO on the bricks - Black to match your trim or white to match the house.

  3. Believed I found my problem. My sprak plugs were glazed, plus the octane booster I previous added did not help either. When I pulled the plugs out, all 4 had reddish to yellowish color deposits all over them. After researching the different colors, this is what I found.


    Reddish color deposits - "effects from octane boosters", research shows some fuel additives which contain octane boosters will leave conductive deposits on the core nose. Avoid fuel additives that contain octane boosters.


    Yellowish color - "High Speed Glazing", indicates combustion chambers temps has risen suddenly during hard acceleration. Normal deposits melt to form a conductive coating, causing misfiring at higher speeds.


    Recommendations - Change spark plugs.


    After changing the plugs it was night/day difference in power and responsiveness. I'll need to data log another run to determine if the plugs were the main problem here.

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